While online marketing and a user-friendly website let you connect with business prospects and customers near and far, and help to educate interested people about products or services your company offers, they are not the only effective marketing tools available to savvy business owners. Many busy people would still rather receive a print piece such as an informative business brochure that they can take with them to read at their leisure. Targeted custom brochures improve the credibility of your business, and increase the likelihood that potential customers will retain the information you are providing. Especially if your brochure looks attractive and contains helpful, pertinent information, many prospects may tuck it away for later, even if they don’t need your products or services immediately.

An excellent brochure is an opportunity to impress your potential
customers with your professionalism, expertise and credibility
in your field. Instead of filling your corporate brochure with
platitudes about your “state of the art equipment,”
“highly trained staff,” and “friendly customer service,”
we will provide pertinent, informative content that
will give people who read it a reason to believe in
your company’s capability and know-how.
At Website Growth, we will create unique brochure designs that will stand out and help you to win your next customer while helping you to avoid common mistakes that many businesses make when creating brochures for their potential clients. Our expert brochure design team can tell you what kind of information is helpful to include and what may not bring in business. We can target the copy in your brochures to particular kinds of consumers, a particular industry, or a niche market instead of trying to be “everything to everyone.” We can create separate pieces that address different audiences if your service or product line has distinct industry divisions so that your copy speaks to the reader and addresses their specific problems that your company will help to solve.
Our content writers at Website Growth.com know how to create a “voice” in your brochures that will “talk” to the reader and make them feel as if they know what it would be like to forge a business relationship with you. We also provide meaty, specific content so that people who pick up your brochure feel as if they learn something from it. This makes potential customers feel confident that your company has the expertise to take care of their needs and solve their particular problems. We have special “call for action” brochure designs with attached postcards that interested potential customers can tear off and send in for such things as sample products or free quotes. With high-quality, pertinent content and a call to action from the reader, your brochure will stand out from those of your competitors.
Whether you need corporate brochures, medical brochures, dental brochures, or even special invitations, Website Growth.com will use striking graphical elements, stylistic features, and information-rich content to grab the public’s attention, create confidence in your business’ credibility, and move your potential clients to action.